Tuesday 30 December 2014

Ten Beneficial Influence Of Magnets

Did you know some people use our Aarogyam Magnetic Bracelets to help keep their body warm? Research has shown that magnets increase circulation, so this makes a lot of sense. One person told me she even wears them on ankle at home when her feet are cold, and they warm up in moments.  Here is more on the subject:

Ten Beneficial Influence Of Magnets May Be Summed Up As Follows:

  1. When a magnet is applied to the human body, magnetic waves pass through the tissues and secondary currents are induced. When these currents clash with magnetic waves, they produce impacting heats on the electrons in the body cells. The impacting waves are very effective to reduce pain and swelling in the muscles, etc.
  2. Movement of hemoglobin in blood vessels is accelerated while calcium and cholesterol deposits in blood are decreased. Even unwanted materials clinging to the inside of blood vessels, which provoke high blood pressure, are decreased and made to vanish. The blood is cleansed and circulation is increased. The activity of the heart eases and pain disappears.
  3. Functions of autonomic nerves are normalized so that the internal organs controlled by them regain their proper function. Secretion of hormones are promoted with the result that the skin gains luster, youth is preserved and all the ailments due to the lack of hormone secretion may be relieved or even cured.
  4. Blood and lymph circulation is activated and, therefore, nutrition is easily and efficiently carried to every cell of the body. This helps in promoting general metabolism.
  5. Magnetic waves penetrate the skin, fatty tissues and bones, and invigorate the organs. The result is greatly enhanced resistance to disease.
  6. The magnetic flux promotes health and provides energy by eliminating disorders in, and stimulating the functions of, the various systems of the body. This includes the circulatory, nervous, respiratory, digestive and urinary systems.
  7. Magnetic treatment works by reforming, reviving and promoting the growth of cells, rejuvenating the tissues of the body, strengthening the decayed and inactive corpuscles and increasing the number of new, sound corpuscles.
  8. Magnets have exceptional curative effects on certain complaints like toothache, stiffness of shoulders and other joints, pains and swellings, cervical sponcylitis, eczema, asthma as well as on chilblains, injuries and wounds.
  9. The self-curative faculty (Homeostasis) of the body is improved and strengthened which maintains all the benefits mentioned above. One feels in full vigor and can walk and work, more and more without feeling tired.
  10. The magnetic treatment has the effect of energizing all the systems of the body. The effect remains on the body for several hours after each sitting with the magnets.

Aarogyam Energy Jewellery has many designs to choose from. Below are few links for fastest moving designs.

  1. Aarogyam Energy Bracelet - ULO-0055
  2. Aarogyam Energy Bracelet - ULO-0047
  3. Aarogyam Tungsten Bracelet
  4. Aarogyam Energy Bracelet for Woman
Visit www.unltdoffers.com for exclusive designs. Cash on Delivery Available all over India.

Wednesday 3 December 2014


From the American Psychological Association's website comes an article discussing negative Ion therapy as a way to help Seasonal Affective Disorder patients. According to the Mayo Clinic website, SAD or seasonal affective disorder is a “type of depression that occurs at the same time every year […] symptoms start in the fall and may continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody.”
The APA article states that the standard treatment for SAD today is light therapy which reportedly presents remission rates of up to 80%. The problem with measuring the effectiveness of this kind of treatment against the placebo effect is the fact that people can clearly tell if they are in the group that receives light therapy.
For that reason, researchers are trying to find other ways to help SAD sufferers. Columbia University Medical Center Psychology, Professor Michael Terman, PhD has researched a wide range of treatments for SAD and found negative ion therapy to be “one of the most intriguing new treatments from the biological camp.”
Since finding a placebo condition for light therapy was difficult, using negative ion technology allowed researchers to use a negative ion device that was disconnected internally. This way people could believe they were getting benefits, even if they weren’t. 
Dr. Terman’s team reported their results in the Archives of General Psychiatry, in 1998. Patients reportedly responded to high levels of negative ions and not to low levels. Dr. Terman actually states that patients that received negative ion therapy, responded just as well to negative ion therapy as they did to light therapy.
Similar to the delivery system of Aarogyam Energy Jewellery, the negative ion generators used in his study were small devices that produced a high electron flow rate. These were fitted with a grounded wrist strap.
For more designs and details visit www.aarogyam.net.in

Saturday 15 November 2014

Health Benefits of Magnets

  • Biomagnetic therapy is the application of magnets to the body to stimulate the nerves and create a better blood flow to various parts of the body. BIO Magnetic therapy is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes.
  • When FIR penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it transforms from light energy in to heat energy. The thermal effect within the deep layers of tissues cause blood vessels in capillaries to dilate, promoting a better blood circulation, and the heat so produced helps to get rid of body toxins and metabolic wastes through sweating
  • Improves immune power enhances energy level. regulates blood pressure.
  • Enhances body ,brain & mental power .
  • Helps the body regain its self-healing balance naturally, because each organ and cell in the body is influenced by magnetic fields.
  • It helps in Insomnia/Sleeplessness, Constipation, Blood pressure, Respiratory problems, Arthritis & Rheumatism, Backache, Headache etc.
  • Assist your body to heal itself faster, Promote cell regeneration, Provide increased energy levels, Provide increased circulation, Allow better mobility, Provide deeper, more restful sleep. 
Start using Aarogyam Energy Jewellerys Quality Tested Original Best Magnetic Products for Better Tomorrow.
visit www.unltdoffers.com and check out the best offers.

Saturday 8 November 2014

What is Magnetic Therapy?

There have been a lot of people asking about this as of late – what exactly is magnetic therapy, and does it work? I was actually curious myself, and thought I’d take a look at some of the available information.

Also known as magnet therapy or magnotherapy, magnetic therapy is an area of alternative medicine believed to treat the body using static magnetic fields. It’s been used for thousands of years by cultures that found it promoted health and well-being when used regularly. Although modern studies have found varying results on the benefits of magnetic therapy, there are still many who believe it helps with pain and stiffness.

While some therapies – including other magnetic bracelet manufacturers – use magnets that may be too weak to penetrate the skin and affect the blood or tissues, Aarogyam Energy Jewellery's Aarogyam Magnetic Bracelets contain some of the strongest magnets on the magnetic bracelet market.

One thing that is important to note is that magnetic therapy is generally regarded as safe. There have been no adverse side effects of magnetic therapy reported, and most experts agree magnets are not harmful to most humans or animals – except for those who are pregnant, or who use a pacemaker or defibrillator.

I’m curious as to what you think. Has magnetic therapy worked for you? How has it helped, and would you recommend it for others? Let us know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading and happy shopping!

Aarogyam Energy Jewellery

Sunday 14 September 2014

30% of Every Sale on Unltdoffers.com for Jammu and Kashmir Floods Relief.

Dear all,

We all know Jammu and Kashmir, Heaven on Earth, is facing worst Floods in last 106 Years and many have lost their lives, houses and have nothing to eat. Every Indian is very much worried about this situation and want to help those affected by this floods. We also Salute Indian Army who are doing their best day and night to help those stranded in floods. Our eyes are filled with tears when we see those horrific photograph and videos. 

We, being humans, should help those affected by donating generously in this cause. Aarogyam Energy Jewellery, pledges to donate 20% + additional 10% of every sale that happens on www.unltdoffers.com. We are happy to donate more and more against every sale. All this funds will be donated to Prime Minister National Relief Fund on weekly basis.

So more the sales, more we all donate.

We kindly request you to inform about this to more and more of your contacts as this is the time we need to be with our fellow humans.

Looking forward for the maximum help which our Honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has asked for.

Thanking you,

Always at your service

Chirag Haria
Managing Director,
Moksh Trade International

Aim is to maintain the health of the healthy person and to cure the diseases.

Saturday 26 July 2014

Aarogyam Magnetic Bracelets : Ancient Magnetic Therapy.

Sunday 6 July 2014


We offer high quality Wellness Today Detox Foot Patch. The Detox Foot Patch gives you more than bandage support and comfort. Detox Foot Patches absorb and capture toxins that exit the body during the body's natural detoxification processes. They are the latest, simplest form of foot therapy. Detox Patches are gaining popularity among individual users, medical practitioners and health professionals. It is believed the product radiates negative ions and promotes blood circulation to refresh and cleanse your body.
Detox Patches also contain a wood vinegar essence. Chinese villagers have used the sap from Oak, Beech and Sakura trees for thousands of years to make a potent topical salve to treat infections and irritations. Scientists have discovered that a highly processed formulation of these ingredients has the amazing ability to absorb toxins right through your skin and onto the Detox Foot Patch. Add chitosan, pearl stone, highly purified silica, polyolic alcohol and starch to the formula and you have a powerful synergistic detoxification solution.
Toxin Facts
Many people don't realize that a body overloaded with toxins can become more prone to ailments. The product is effective to provide relief in ailments like constipation, stomach bloat, poor digestion, gas, fatigue, weight gain, excessive mucus, inability to concentrate, headaches, blemished skin, poor memory, depression, body odor and bad breath. These symptoms occur because our body doesn't know how to handle the toxins circulating in the bloodstream and doesn't know how to excrete them. Because of this, toxins can accumulate into harmful quantities or convert into substances that may interfere with your metabolism.
Toxins Accumulate in Extremities
According to Eastern medical theory, gravity causes toxins go downward in your body during the day, causing them to pile up from the tips of the toes to the ankles. Also according to Eastern medical theory, toxin accumulation can lead to various degenerative diseases. For example, painful rheumatism and arthritis are caused by acidic toxin fluid gathered in the joints. A well-known Asian expression is translated as "aging comes from the foot".
How Detox Patches Remove Toxins
Sweating is the key to the elimination of toxins that flood your body. For centuries, diverse cultures across the world have used techniques like saunas or diets focused on hot and spicy foods to stimulate sweating. Detox Foot Patch work in a similar manner, capturing toxins that are naturally expelled during the sweating process. These patches are easy to apply. You never even know it's there until you wake to see and feel the results. Our secret formula contains tourmaline, a mineral found in Brazil. Tourmaline possesses a unique property which some believe emits far infrared rays (FIR) that generate negative ions. Negative ions are known for their soothing therapeutic effect on your body. That's why people feel so relaxed after a rain storm or next to a waterfall. When worn on your feet, these negative ions stimulate acupressure meridian points for various vital organs, promoting improved circulation and detoxification activity. Some Dtox Patch users say the treatment helps them acquire a deep and relaxing sleep without the fuss.
Why do I apply it to the foot?
Because toxins can accumulate into harmful quantities or convert into substances that may interfere with metabolism, it is important to keep them out once they are released by the body. Wellness Today Detox Foot Patch™, therefore, provides more than just comfort and support. Its ancient herbal formula contained in each bandage sachet also captures released toxins to keep them out for better health. Because toxic matter often stagnates in the feet, the sole is the ideal application area offering the strongest waste collection ability regardless of your symptoms. It is important because toxic matter often stagnates in the feet; the sole is the ideal application area offering the strongest detoxification effect regardless of your symptoms. By using the product, discover the remarkable difference it makes in your health and life.

  • Bamboo vinegar : Bamboo tree grown at Naraken in Japan is used as main kind of Bamboo and more than 200 kinds of natural raw materials may also be used. It is effective even in the remedy of dermatophytosis and atopic dermatitis.
  • Tourmaline : This material forms anion and improves blood circulation of human body by the effect of intra-red ray.
  • Chitosan : This comes out from chitin which is contained in Hokkaido crab(red sea king crab), etc. This is water-soluble, natural and high molecular substance to have good characteristics of moisture-keeping, excellent membrane-forming and skin-protecting ability.
  • Pearl stone : This is made of crystalline igneous rock which shows good characteristics to improve the fluidity and absorbability.
  • Highly purified silica : This is substance is composed of fine particles which are porous and uncrystalized and has good fluidity.
  • Polyolic alcohol : This substance is used for moisture-keeping agent.
  • Starch : This is water-suluble and is used in order to absorb moisture from surrounding. Especially, as this component causes synergism for each component contained together, their efficacies in it may be improved much more.
  • Mugwort extract : This is widely used as a herb medicine in the Orient. This has some functions to make human body be warm and not be dry.
Increased toxins can lead to many unhealthy conditions, such as :
  • Swollen, or easily bruised body parts
  • Aches in arms, legs or shoulders
  • Overall reduced energy
  • Increased daily stress
  • Slow down mental reflexes
  • Increase likelihood of insomnia
  • Cause poor circulation in arms or feet
  • Weaken the immune system
EACH BOX CONTAINS 10 PAIRS OF PATCHES (Each Pair can be used only once)
Visit www.unltdoffers.com to buy this product at great discounted price and be a proud member of Aarogyam Club.


Now days Magnetic Bracelets are widely used to solve many health problems related to diabetes, blood pressure problems, some of dangerous pains of an human body.
Aarogyam Biomagnetic Bracelet is the functional application of magnets to the body to stimulate various nerves and create a better flow of blood into various parts of the body, it is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body parts for healing purpose.
Magnetic Bracelet is the use of magnets to treat many medical conditions, including cancer, rheumatoid disease, stress-related illness and body pain.
Magnetic Bracelet is an alternative healing treatment for a wide variety of symptoms, most notably for pain. While the use of magnets for healing has a centuries-old history, only recently have some controlled studies been done which demonstrate the effectives of magnetic field therapy over various internal injuries.
Biomagnetic Bracelets offered by us are well known for their quality and robustness, these biomagnetic bracelet solve many present health problems, improving blood flows and to enhance day to day living.
Our Biomagnetic Bracelet is appreciated in the world wide market and we are offering them at very affordable price.
Iron makes up about 4% of the blood that flows through the body. Since iron is attracted to magnets, when magnetic objects are placed on a specific area of the body this attracts the blood flow to that area. This brings increased oxygen and nutrients to the area and the muscles, since they are also getting increased blow flow, tend to lengthen and become more relaxed. In a typical treatment, small magnets are attached to the acupuncture points of the body by means of adhesive tape. As the magnets polarize they act in a pulsating manner much like that of manipulating acupuncture needles, with the exception that there is no insertion of needles into the body and no pain associated with this therapy.
  1. Biomagnetic therapy is the application of magnets to the body to stimulate the nerves and create a better blood flow to various parts of the body. BIO Magnetic therapy is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes
  2. When FIR penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it transforms from light energy in to heat energy. The thermal effect within the deep layers of tissues cause blood vessels in capillaries to dilate, promoting a better blood circulation, and the heat so produced helps to get rid of body toxins and metabolic wastes through sweating
  3. Improves immune power enhances energy level. regulates blood pressure.
  4. Enhances body ,brain & mental power .
  5. Helps the body regain its self-healing balance naturally, because each organ and cell in the body is influenced by magnetic fields.
  6. It helps in Insomnia/Sleeplessness, Constipation, Blood pressure, Respiratory problems, Arthritis & Rheumatism, Backache, Headache etc.
  7. Assist your body to heal itself faster, Promote cell regeneration, Provide increased energy levels, Provide increased circulation, Allow better mobility, Provide deeper, more restful sleep.

Visit www.unltdoffer.com to buy this product at great discount price and also be a proud member of Aarogyam Club.


The AAROGYAM MST 2TONE ENERGY PENDANT is uniquely produced using a Japanese Mineral Science Technology to provide us with sufficient scalar frequencies. MST Scalar Energy Pendant active ingredients inside the Pendant comprise of over 70 different natural minerals extracted from volcanic rocks which are then recombined using nanotechnology and heat fusion methods. MST Scalar Pendant contains high quality bonded volcanic minerals of Japan and Germany that efficiently emit the powerful scalar energy. Some forms of energy are more effective than others and have a whole range of profound beneficial effects on the human body.
Benefits of Aarogyam MST 2tone Pendants
  1. MST Scalar Pendant Enhances your immune and endocrine system
  2. MST Scalar Pendant Enhances your cellular permeability
  3. MST Scalar Pendant Helps your body in detoxification
  4. MST Scalar Energy Pendant Helps to protect your DNA from being damaged
  5. Energy Pendant Helps you to prevent and guard against cancer
  6. Mineral Science Pendant Improves your blood circulation
  7. MST Scalar Pendant Improves your mental faculty of concentration
  8. Protects you against electromagnetic fields and waves e.g.: radiation from mobile phones, computers, TV etc

Visit www.unltdoffers.com to buy this product at great discount price 
and also be a proud member of Aarogyam Club.

Friday 27 June 2014

Aarogyam Tungsten Magnetic Bracelet

Control Blood Pressure, Diabetes, arthritis

Made-up of 100% Tungsten metal , with 5 Germanium Far Infra red metal conductor (negative ions)& 100% Neodymium magnets (King of Magnets) The magnets are made up of three metals: Boron, Ferrite and Neodymium. Neodymium is a Rare Earth Metal and Expensive too. Bio magnetic therapy bracelets with gauss power min. 3300 gauss power approx
Now days Magnetic Bracelets are widely used to solve many health problems related to diabetes, blood pressure problems, some of dangerous pains of an human body.
Aarogyam Biomagnetic Bracelet is the functional application of magnets to the body to stimulate various nerves and create a better flow of blood into various parts of the body, it is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body parts for healing purpose.
Magnetic Bracelet is the use of magnets to treat many medical conditions, including cancer, rheumatoid disease, stress-related illness and body pain.
Magnetic Bracelet is an alternative healing treatment for a wide variety of symptoms, most notably for pain. While the use of magnets for healing has a centuries-old history, only recently have some controlled studies been done which demonstrate the effectives of magnetic field therapy over various internal injuries.
Biomagnetic Bracelets offered by us are well known for their quality and robustness, these biomagnetic bracelet solve many present health problems, improving blood flows and to enhance day to day living.
Our Biomagnetic Bracelet is appreciated in the world wide market and we are offering them at very affordable price.
Iron makes up about 4% of the blood that flows through the body. Since iron is attracted to magnets, when magnetic objects are placed on a specific area of the body this attracts the blood flow to that area. This brings increased oxygen and nutrients to the area and the muscles, since they are also getting increased blow flow, tend to lengthen and become more relaxed. In a typical treatment, small magnets are attached to the acupuncture points of the body by means of adhesive tape. As the magnets polarize they act in a pulsating manner much like that of manipulating acupuncture needles, with the exception that there is no insertion of needles into the body and no pain associated with this therapy.
  1. Aarogyam Biomagnetic therapy is the application of magnets to the body to stimulate the nerves and create a better blood flow to various parts of the body. BIO Magnetic therapy is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes
  2. When FIR penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it transforms from light energy in to heat energy. The thermal effect within the deep layers of tissues cause blood vessels in capillaries to dilate, promoting a better blood circulation, and the heat so produced helps to get rid of body toxins and metabolic wastes through sweating
  3. Improves immune power enhances energy level. regulates blood pressure.
  4. Enhances body ,brain & mental power .
  5. Helps the body regain its self-healing balance naturally, because each organ and cell in the body is influenced by magnetic fields.
  6. It helps in Insomnia/Sleeplessness, Constipation, Blood pressure, Respiratory problems, Arthritis & Rheumatism, Backache, Headache etc.
  7. Assist your body to heal itself faster, Promote cell regeneration, Provide increased energy levels, Provide increased circulation, Allow better mobility, Provide deeper, more restful sleep.

You can buy this products from 

Saturday 29 March 2014

Aarogyam Mineral Pendants

Aarogyam Mineral Pendants have high resonant properties which release natural cosmic energy bearing wavelengths measuring 4u 12u, correlating with the human body's wavelength of 9.8u 10u at a temperature of 26 -37 degree Celsius, with permeation strength of 13cm to 15cm.
100% minBio Energy Pendant, rich with Negative Ion, made from natural lava, form into rock minerals base from volcanic lava.

Health benefits:
1. Reduces inflammation
2. Promotes unclumping of cells
3. Enhances circulation
4. Enhances immune and endocrine systems
5. Has the ability to destroy viruses and bacteria
6. Enhances the cellular nutrition and detoxification
7. Enhances cellular permeability
8. Increases energy
9. Helps to protect DNA from damage
10. Helps to fight cancer cells
11. Helps to retard the ageing process
12.Strengthens the bodys bio-field preventing electro-magnetic waves from affecting ones health.

Aarogyam Energy Jewellery is available on following online stores.