Tuesday 8 September 2015

Limited Edition Aarogyam Energy Watch AEW-AAG013

Used since Cleopatra’s time, magnetic therapy is said to be more than a millennium old. After years of study and research, Aarogyam has made an Energy Watch that matches the power of magnets with lava stones to trigger regular blood flow and improve its overall circulation. Wearing the Aarogyam Energy Watch also helps to release tension from muscles. The magnetic fields accelerate toxin flushout from body and gently message the cells to release more endorphins, our natural relaxants and pain killers to reduce swelling, stiffness and stimulate faster healing. Regular wear of magnets and lava stones also enhances immunity and improves the anti-infective activities of the body. This stylish and affordable Energy Watch comes with stainless steel casing and strap and is ready for order now on
unltdoffers.com Logo

Friday 27 February 2015

आकर्षक और फिट दिखना चाहते हैं तो काम के हैं ये गहनें

रूपायन, अमर उजाला ता. 27-02-2015

अगर कोई आभूषण सौंदर्य के साथ-साथ सेहत भी सुधारे, तो इस ज्‍वेलरी को शायद आप भी पहनना पसंद करें। आरोग्यम् बायो-मैग्‍नेटिक ज्‍वेलरी उन्हीं में से एक है।

वैकल्पिक चिकित्सा पद्धति में चुम्बकों का प्रयोग बहुत पुराना है। तब यूनानी लोग चुम्बक दिमाग पर लगाकर सिरदर्द ठीक किया करते थे। किसी अंग के मांस या मसल्स की सूजन को कम करने के लिए उस पर चुम्बक रखा जाता था। आज भी कई जगहों पर इस पद्धति के प्रयोग से जोड़ों के दर्द, गठिया आदि का इलाज किया जा रहा है। 

इसके लिए चुम्बकीय पेंडेंट, चुम्बकीय जूते, चुम्बकीय ब्रेसलेट, नेकलेस आदि का इस्तेमाल किया जा रहा है, जिसे बायो-मैग्‍नेटिक यानी चुंबकीय ज्वेलरी कहते हैं। इसके माध्यम से अदृश्य चुम्बकीय रेखाएं परोक्ष रूप में हमारे शरीर पर पॉजिटिव प्रभाव डालती हैं। 

चुंबकीय गुणों से युक्‍त ये गहनें अनिद्रा, कब्ज, सिरदर्द, गठिया, पीठ दर्द जैसी समस्याओं में राहत ही नहीं देते, बल्कि देख्‍ाने में ये सुंदर भी लगते हैं, जिसे आप स्टाइल के तौर पर भी पहन सकती हैं। 

unltdoffers.com के सीईओ चिराग हरिया कहते हैं कि न केवल बड़े शहरों, बल्कि छोटे शहरों में भी लोग इसे पसंद कर रहे हैं। विशेषकर यंग लड़कियां और कामकाजी महिलाएं इसे खूब पसंद कर रही हैं। फैशन के साथ यूथ की पसंद को मिलाकर खास तरह की बायो-मैग्नेटिक ज्वेलरी डिजाइन की गई है, जिसमें मैग्नेट का भी प्रभाव रहता है।′ 

वैसे भी बाजार में बिकने वाली ज्‍यादातर आर्टिफीशियल ज्वेलरी में लेड और नुकसानदायक पेंट होते हैं, जो त्वचा में एलर्जी का कारण भी होते हैं। लेकिन इस ज्‍वेलरी का कोई नुकसान नहीं है। इस तरह की ज्‍वेलरी को कुछ वेबसाइट ऑनलाइन उपलब्‍ध करवा रहे हैं जैसे- unltdoffers.com, flipkart.com, amazon.in आदि।

Thursday 19 February 2015

10 Home‬ Remedies‬ to avoid Swineflu‬

Are the rising swine flu casualties giving you jitters? Not sure how you can avoid falling prey to the growing epidemic? First and foremost, there is absolutely no need to panic.
Here are some easy steps you can take to tackle a flu virus of any kind, including swine flu. It is not necessary to follow all the steps at once. You can pick and choose a combination of remedies that suit you best. However, if you are already suffering from flu, these measures can help only up to an extent.
  1. Have five duly washed leaves of Tulsi (known as Basil in English; medicinal name Ocimum sanctum) everyday in the morning. Tulsi has a large number of therapeutic properties. It keeps throat and lungs clear and helps in infections by way of strengthening your immunity.
  2. Giloi (medicinal name Tinospora cordifolia) is a commonly available plant in many areas. Take a one-foot long branch of giloi, add five to six leaves of Tulsi and boil in water for 15-20 minutes or long enough to allow the water to extract its properties. Add black pepper and sendha (salt used during religious fasts), rock or black salt, or Misri (crystalised sugar like lumps to make it sweet) according to taste. Let it cool a bit and drink this kadha (concoction) while still warm. It will work wonders for your immunity. If giloi plant is not available, get processed giloi powder from Hamdard or others, and concoct a similar drink once a day.
  3. A small piece of camphor (kapoor) approximately the size of a tablet should be taken once or twice a month. It can be swallowed with water by adults while children can take it along with mashed potatoes or banana because they will find it difficult to have it without any aides. Please remember camphor is not to be taken everyday, but only once each season, or once a month.
  4. Those who can take garlic, must have two pods of raw garlic first thing in the morning. To be swallowed daily with lukewarm water. Garlic too strengthens immunity like the earlier measures mentioned.
  5. Those not allergic to milk, must take a glass of hot or lukewarm milk every night with a small measure of haldi (turmeric).
  6. Aloe vera (gwarpatha) too is a commonly available plant. Its thick and long, cactus-like leaves have an odourless gel. A teaspoon gel taken with water daily can work wonders for not only your skin and joint pains, but also boost immunity.
  7. Take homeopathic medicines — Pyrogenium 200 and Inflenzium 200 in particular — five tablets three times a day, or two-three drops three times a day. While these are not specifically targeted at H1N1 either, these work well as preventive against common flu virus.
  8. Do Pranayam daily (preferably under guidance if you are already not initiated into it) and go for morning jog/walk regularly to keep your throat and lungs in good condition and body in fine fettle. Even in small measures, it will work wonders for your body's resistance against all such diseases which attack the nose, throat and lungs, besides keeping you fit.
  9. Have citrus fruits, particularly Vitamin C rich Amla (Indian gooseberry) juice. Since fresh Amla is not yet available in the market (not for another three to four months), it is not a bad idea to buy packaged Amla juice which is commonly available nowadays.
  10. Last but not the least, wash your hands frequently every day with soap and warm water for 15-20 seconds; especially before meals, or each time after touching a surface that you suspect could be contaminated with flu virus such as a door handle or a knob/handle, especially if you have returned from a public place or used public transport. Alcohol-based hand cleaners should be kept handy at all times and used until you can get soap and warm water.
(The author is an avid reader and follower of alternative therapies including spiritual healing, ayurveda, yoga and homeopathy)

Aarogyam Energy Jewellery available at www.unltdoffers.com 

Sunday 8 February 2015

Magnetic Therapy and Health Benefits

As we continue to develop as a society, more and more people are looking for newer methods to help themselves become and stay healthy. One of the ways we have done this was to emulate remedies of the past. A good example of this would be the use of magnets. Magnets were used in early civilizations across the globe. The use of magnets has been found in medical journals of the early Chinese. The Ancient Greeks used magnetic rocks, lodestone, as a healing tool. Up till today the popularity of magnets has grown tremendously. The idea of magnetic therapy has caught the interest of the public mainly because of its ability to treat pain without the use of drugs or the invasive techniques of surgery. 

How do Magnets Work?

There have been many logical explanations as to how the magnets operate. One explanation for the success of magnetic therapy has been how they utilize the cell's magnetic field. When a disease invades the body, it disrupts the magnetic fields causing them to become disoriented within the cells. Magnets help realign these fields causing them to be an important factor in counteracting the disease.

Magnets also increase blood circulation by attracting and repelling the charged particles within each cell. The improved circulation increases the amount of heat produced within the body and allows the rapid passage of nutrients and oxygen to the affected site, speeding up the healing process. The heat produced also helps reduce swelling in the affected areas of the body
All the explanations hold nature as the foundation supporting the healing powers of magnets. They work with our body to induce natural healing without side effects, which might account for its growing popularity.

Dr. H.L. Bansal points out that the body contains approximately 4-5 grams of iron; in the blood, in a part called hemoglobin, and in muscles, in a part called myoglobin. Using a magnet increases the movement of hemoglobin, which also accelerates blood flow. While the blood flow increases, deposits alongside blood vessels are decreased and eventually vanish. Making these deposits vanish causes blood to flow smoothly also decrease your risk for high blood pressure

more information on magnets in next post.

To buy authenticate Magnetic Products you can try Aarogyam Energy Jewellery from  Following Stores

